Kiss, I. Z., Miller, J. C., & Simon, P. L. (2017). Mathematics of epidemics on networks. Cham: Springer, 598, 31. [Springer] [Tab_Cont_Index_Ref]
To appear, submitted or in preparation
- Teo, K., Arnold, N., Hone, A., & Kiss, I. Z. (2024). Performance of Higher-Order Networks in Reconstructing Sequential Paths: from Micro to Macro Scale. Submitted to J. Complex Netw. [arxiv]
In press & published
Book Chapters
- "Mapping out emerging network structures in dynamic network models coupled with epidemics" (with L. Berthouze, J.C. Miller & P.L. Simon) Forthcoming in Temporal Network Epidemiology (2017), Springer, Edited by Petter Holme and Naoki Masuda. [pdf]
- "The effect of local inter-inhibitory connectivity on the dynamics of an activity-dependent neuronal network growth model" (with R.C. Barnard, S. Farmer & L. Berthouze) under consideration in The rewiring brain: a computational approach to structural plasticity in the adult brain, (2017), Elsevier, Edited by Arjen van Ooyen & Markus Butz-Ostendorf. [biorxiv]
- "Incorporating human behaviour in epidemic dynamics: a modelling perspective" in Modelling the interplay between human behaviour and the spread of infectious diseases (2013) New York: Springer. ISBN 9781461454731, 9781461454748. [html]
- "Network concepts and epidemiological models" (with Rowland R. Kao) in Statistical and Evolutionary Analysis of Biological Networks (2010), Imperial College Press, Edited by Stumpf MPH & Wiuf C. [html]
Peer-reviewed research papers (graph theory, network science, stochastic processes, dynamical systems, mathematical epidemiology)
- Kollepara, P.K., Chisholm, R.H., Kiss, I.Z., & Miller, J.C. (2024). Ethical dilemma arises from optimising interventions for epidemics in heterogeneous populations. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 21.211 (2024): 20230612. [html]
- Kiss, I. Z., Berthouze, L., & KhudaBukhsh, W. R. (2024). Towards inferring network properties from epidemic data. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 86(1), 6. [html]
- Kiss, I. Z., Iacopini, I., Simon, P. L., & Georgiou, N. (2023). Insights from exact social contagion dynamics on networks with higher-order structures. Journal of Complex Networks, 11(6), cnad044. [html]
- Kiss, I. Z., Kenah, E., & Rempała, G. A. (2023). Necessary and sufficient conditions for exact closures of epidemic equations on configuration model networks. Journal of Mathematical Biology, 87(2), 36. [html]
- Kiss, I. Z., & Simon, P. L. (2023). On parameter identifiability in network-based epidemic models. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 85(3), 18. [html]
- Di Lauro, F., KhudaBukhsh, W. R., Kiss, I. Z., Kenah, E., Jensen, M., & Rempała, G. A. (2022). Dynamic survival analysis for non-Markovian epidemic models. Journal of The Royal Society Interface, 19(191), 20220124. [html]
- Zerenner, T., Di Lauro, F., Dashti, M., Berthouze, L., & Kiss, I. Z. (2022). Probabilistic predictions of SIS epidemics on networks based on population-level observations. Mathematical Biosciences, 350, 108854. [html]
- Backhausz, Á., Kiss, I. Z., & Simon, P. L. (2022). The impact of spatial and social structure on an SIR epidemic on a weighted multilayer network. Periodica Mathematica Hungarica, 85(2), 343-363. [html]
- Kiss, I. Z., Blyuss, K. B., Kyrychko, Y. N., Middleton, J., Roland, D., Bertini, L., ... & Cassell, J. A. (2022). How can risk of COVID-19 transmission be minimised in domiciliary care for older people: development, parameterisation and initial results of a simple mathematical model. Epidemiology & Infection, 150, e13. [html]
- Edelman, N. L., Simon, P., Cassell, J. A., & Kiss, I. Z. (2022). Network analysis of England's single parent household COVID-19 control policy impact: a proof-of-concept study. Epidemiology & Infection, 150. [html]
- Di Lauro, F., Kiss, I. Z., & Miller, J. C. (2021). Optimal timing of one-shot interventions for epidemic control. PLoS Computational Biology, 17(3), e1008763. [html]
- Bell, J., Bianconi, G., Butler, D., Crowcroft, J., Davies, P. C., Hicks, C., Kim, H., Kiss, I.Z., Di Lauro, F., Maple, C., Paul, A., Prokopenko, K., Tee, P., & Walker, S. (2021). Beyond COVID-19: network science and sustainable exit strategies. Journal of Physics: Complexity, 2(2), 021001. [html]
- Di Lauro, F., Berthouze, L., Dorey, M. D., Miller, J. C., & Kiss, I. Z. (2021). The Impact of Contact Structure and Mixing on Control Measures and Disease-Induced Herd Immunity in Epidemic Models: A Mean-Field Model Perspective. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 83, 1-25. [html]
- Di Lauro, F., Croix, J. C., Dashti, M., Berthouze, L., & Kiss, I. Z. (2020). Network inference from population-level observation of epidemics. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 18779. [html]
- Thompson, R. N., Hollingsworth, T. D., Isham, V., Arribas-Bel, D., Ashby, B., Britton, T., ... & Restif, O. (2020). Key questions for modelling COVID-19 exit strategies. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287(1932), 20201405. [html]
- Di Lauro, F., Croix, J. C., Berthouze, L., & Kiss, I. Z. (2020). PDE limits of stochastic SIS epidemics on networks. Journal of Complex Networks, 8(4), cnaa043. [html]
- Georgiou, N., Kiss, I. Z., & Simon, P. L. (2020). Theoretical and numerical considerations of the assumptions behind triple closures in epidemic models on networks. Trends in Biomathematics: Modeling Cells, Flows, Epidemics, and the Environment: Selected Works from the BIOMAT Consortium Lectures, Szeged, Hungary, 2019 19, 209-234. [html]
- Di Lauro, Francesco, et al. "Covid-19 and flattening the curve: A feedback control perspective." IEEE Control Systems Letters 5.4 (2020): 1435-1440. [html]
- R. Barnard, L. Berthouze, P.L. Simon & I.Z. Kiss (2019) Epidemic threshold in pairwise models for clustered networks: closures and fast correlations. J. Math. Biol. DOI:10.1007/s00285-019-01380-1 [html]
- Zs. Vizi, I.Z. Kiss, J.C. Miller & G. Röst (2019) A monotonic relationship between the variability of the infectious period and final size in pairwise epidemic modelling. Journal of Mathematics in Industry 2019, 9:1. [pdf]
- Messager, A., Parisis, G., Kiss, I. Z., Harper, R., Tee, P., & Berthouze, L. (2019). Inferring functional connectivity from time-series of events in large scale network deployments. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 16(3), 857-870. [pdf]
- R.C. Barnard, J.C. Miller, L. Berthouze & I.Z. Kiss (2018) Edge-based compartmental modelling of an SIR epidemic on a dual-layer static-dynamic multiplex network with tunable clustering. Bull. Math. Biol. DOI:10.1007/s11538-018-0484-5. [html]
- S. Ashton, E. Scalas, N. Georgiou & I.Z. Kiss (2018) The Mathematics of Human Contact: Developing a Model for Social Interaction in School Children. Acta Physica Polonica A. 133(6): 1421-1432. [html]
- N. Sherborne, K.B. Blyuss & I.Z. Kiss (2018) Bursting endemic bubbles in an adaptive network. Phys. Rev. E 97, 042306. [html]
- G. Röst, Zs. Vizi & I.Z. Kiss (2018) Pairwise approximation for SIR type network epidemics with non-Markovian recovery. Proc. R. Soc. A. 474(2210), 20170695. [arxiv]
- P.L. Simon & I.Z. Kiss (2018) On bounding exact models of epidemic spread on networks. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B., 23(5):2005-2020 [arxiv]
- N. Sherborne, J.C. Miller, K.B. Blyuss & I.Z. Kiss (2018) Mean-field models for non-Markovian epidemics on networks. J. Math. Biol. 76:755–778 [JMB]
- P. Tee, I. Wakeman, G. Parisis, J. Dawes & I. Z. Kiss (2017) Constraints and Entropy in a Model of Network Evolution, Eur. Phys. J. B 90: 226. [html]
- P. Overbury, I.Z. Kiss & L. Berthouze(2017) A genetic algorithm-based approach to mapping the diversity of networks sharing a given degree distribution and global clustering. In: Cherifi H., Gaito S., Quattrociocchi W., Sala A. (eds) Complex Networks & Their Applications V. COMPLEX NETWORKS 2016. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 693. Springer, Cham. [html]
- N. Sherborne, K.B. Blyuss & I.Z. Kiss (2016) Compact pairwise models for multi-stage infections on degree heterogeneous and clustered networks. J. Theor. Biol. 407:387–400. [arxiv] [html]
- M. Ritchie, L. Berthouze & I.Z. Kiss (2016) Generation and analysis of networks with a prescribed degree sequence and subgraph family: Higher-order structure matters. Journal of Complex Networks, 5(1):1–31. [arxiv] [html]
- P.L. Simon & I.Z. Kiss (2016) Super compact pairwise model for SIS epidemic on heterogeneous networks. Journal of Complex Networks, 4, 187-200. [arxiv] [html]
- M. Ritchie, L. Berthouze & I.Z. Kiss (2016) Beyond clustering: Mean-field dynamics on networks with arbitrary subgraph composition. J. Math. Biol. 72, 255-281. [arxiv]
- A. Szabó-Solticzky, L. Berthouze, I.Z. Kiss & P.L. Simon (2016) Oscillating epidemics in a dynamic network model: stochastic and mean-field analysis. J. Math. Biol, 72: 1153. [arxiv] [html]
- Nicos Georgiu, I.Z. Kiss & Enrico Scalas (2015) Exactly-solvable non-Markovian dynamic network. Phys. Rev. E 92, 042801. [arxiv]
- I.Z. Kiss, G. Röst & Zs. Vizi (2015) Generalization of Pairwise Models to non-Markovian Epidemics on Networks. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 078701. [arxiv] [Phys Rev Lett]
- N. Sherborne, K.B. Blyuss & I.Z. Kiss (2015) Dynamics of multi-stage infections on networks. Bull. Math. Biol. 77, 1909-1933. [arxiv]
- I.Z. Kiss & P. Rattana (2015) Comment on "A BINOMIAL MOMENT APPROXIMATION SCHEME FOR EPIDEMIC SPREADING IN NETWORKS". U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series A, 77, 73-84. Bull. [pdf]
- F. Selley, A. Besenyei, I.Z. Kiss & P.L. Simon (2015) Dynamic control of modern, network-based epidemic models. SIAM: J. Appl. Dyn. Syst. 14, 168-187. [arxiv]
- I.Z. Kiss, C.G. Morris, F. Selley, P.L. Simon & R.R. Wilkinson (2015) Exact deterministic representation of Markovian SIR epidemics on networks with and without loops. J. Math. Biol. 70, 437-464. [arxiv]
- D. Juher, I.Z. Kiss & J. Saldana (2014) Analysis of an epidemic model with awareness decay on regular random networks. J. Math. Biol. 365, 475-468. [arxiv]
- P. Rattana, L. Berthouze & I.Z. Kiss (2014) The impact of constrained rewiring on network structure and node dynamics. Phys. Rev. E. 90, 052806. [arxiv]
- M. Ritchie, L. Berthouze, T. House & I.Z. Kiss (2014) Higher-order structure and epidemic dynamics in clustered networks. J.Theor. Biol. 348, 21-32. [arxiv]
- J.C. Miller & I.Z. Kiss (2014) Epidemic spread in networks: existing methods and current challenges. Model. Nat. Phenom. 9, 4-42. [pdf]
- N. Nagy, I.Z. Kiss & P.L. Simon (2014) Approximate master equations for dynamical processes on graphs. Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. 9, 43-57. [pdf]
- P. Rattana, J.C. Miller & I.Z. Kiss (2014) Pairwise and edge-based models of epidemic dynamics on correlated weighted networks. Math. Model. Nat. Phenom. 9, 58-81. [pdf]
- C. Hartley, T.J. Taylor, I.Z. Kiss, S.F. Falmer & L. Berthouze (2014) Identification of criticality in neuronal avalanches: II. A theoretical and empirical investigation of the driven case. J. Math. Neurosci. 4:9. [arxiv]
- T.J. Taylor & I.Z. Kiss (2014) Interdependency and hierarchy of exact and approximate epidemic models on networks. J. Math. Biol. 69, 182-211. [arxiv]
- K.J. Sharkey, I.Z. Kiss, R.R. Wilkinson & Peter L. Simon (2013) Exact equations for SIR epidemics on tree graphs. Published online in Bull. Maths. Biol. (DOI 10.1007/s11538-013-9923-5) [arxiv]
- T.J. Taylor, C. Hartley, P.L. Simon, I.Z. Kiss & L. Berthouze (2013) Identification of criticality in neuronal avalanches: I. A theoretical investigation of the non-driven case. J. Math. Neurosci. 3:5. [arxiv]
- P. Rattana, K.B. Blyuss, K.T.D. Eames & I.Z. Kiss (2013) A class of pairwise models for epidemic dynamics on weighted networks. Bull. Math. Biol. 75, 466-490. [arxiv]
- I.Z. Kiss & P.L. Simon (2012) New moment closures based on a priori distributions with applications to epidemic dynamics. Bull. Math. Biol. 74, 1501-1515. [pdf]
- C. Hadjichrysanthou, M. Broom & I.Z. Kiss (2012) Approximating evolutionary dynamics on networks using a neighbourhood configuration model. J. Theor. Biol. 312, 13-21. [pdf]
- A. Batkai, I.Z. Kiss, E. Sikolya & P.L. Simon (2012) Differential equations approximations of stochastic network processes: an operator semigroup approach. Networks and Heterogeneous Media 7, 43-58. [pdf]
- M. Taylor, T.J. Taylor & I.Z. Kiss (2012) Epidemic threshold and control in a dynamic network. Phy. Rev. E. 85, 016103. [pdf]
- A. Szabo, P.L. Simon & I.Z. Kiss (2012) Detailed study of bifurcations in an epidemic model on a dynamic network. Differ. Equ. Appl. 4, 277-296. [pdf]
- I.Z. Kiss, L. Berthouze, T.J. Taylor & P.L. Simon (2012) Modelling approaches for simple dynamic networks and applications to disease transmission models. Proc. Roy. Soc. A. DOI: 10.1098/rspa.2011.0349. [pdf]
- D. Schley, S. Whittle, M. Taylor & I.Z. Kiss (2012) Models to capture the potential for disease transmission in domestic sheep flocks. Prev. Vet. Med. 106, 174-184. [pdf]
- P.L. Simon & I.Z. Kiss (2012) From exact stochastic to mean-field ODE models: a new approach to prove convergence results. IMA J. Appl. Math. 1-20, DOI:10.1093/imamat/hxs001. [pdf]
- M. Taylor, P. L. Simon, D.M. Green, T. House & I. Z. Kiss (2012) From Markovian to pairwise epidemic models and the performance of moment closure approximations. J. Math. Biol. 64, 1021-1042. DOI 10.1007/s00285-011-0443-3. [pdf]
- J. E. Dent, I.Z. Kiss, R.R. Kao, L. Snow & M. Arnold (2011) The spread of highly pathogenic avian influenza virus via dynamic contacts between poultry premises in Great Britain. BMC Veterinary Research 7:59, DOI:10.1186/1746-6148-7-59.
- V. Hatzopoulos, M. Taylor, P.L. Simon & I.Z. Kiss (2011) Multiple sources and routes of information transmission: implications for epidemic dynamics. Math. Biosci. 231, 197-209. [pdf]
- D.M. Green, M. Werkman, L.A. Munro, R.R. Kao, I.Z. Kiss & L. Danon (2011) Network community trends in fish and livestock trading networks. Prev. Vet. Med., in press.
- P.L. Simon, M. Taylor & I.Z. Kiss (2011) Exact epidemic models on graphs using graph-automorphism driven lumping. J. Math. Biol. 62, 479-508. [pdf]
- I.Z. Kiss, J. Cassell, M. Recker & P.L. Simon (2010) The impact of information transmission on epidemic outbreaks. Math. Biosci. 225, 1-10. [pdf]
- D.M. Green & I.Z. Kiss (2010) Large-scale properties of clustered networks: Implications for disease dynamics. Journal of Biological Dynamics 4, 431-445. [pdf]
- I.Z. Kiss, M. Broom, P.G. Craze & I. Rafols (2010) Can epidemic models describe the diffusion of topics across disciplines? Journal of Informetrics 4, 74-82. [pdf]
- I.Z. Kiss, P.L. Simon & R.R. Kao (2009) A contact-network-based formulation of a preferential mixing model. Bull. of Math. Biol. 71, 888-905. [pdf]
- L. Yakob, I.Z. Kiss & M.B. Bonsall (2008) A network approach to modeling population aggregation and genetic control of pest insects. Theor. Pop. Biol. 74, 324-331. [pdf]
- I.Z. Kiss & D.M. Green (2008) Comment on ''Properties of highly clustered networks''. Phys. Rev. E. 78, 048101. [pdf]
- J.E. Dent , R.R. Kao , I.Z. Kiss, K. Hyder & M. Arnold (2008) Contact structures in the poultry industry in Great Britain: Exploring transmission routes for a potential avian influenza virus epidemic. BMC Veterinary Research 4:27. DOI:10.1186/1746-6148-4-27. [pdf]
- D.M. Green, I.Z. Kiss, A.P. Mitchell & R.R. Kao (2008) Estimates for local and movement-based transmission of bovine tuberculosis in British Cattle. Proc. R. Soc. B 275, 1001-1005. [pdf]
- I.Z. Kiss, D.M. Green & R.R. Kao (2008) The effect of network mixing patterns on epidemic dynamics and the efficacy of disease contact tracing. J. R. Soc. Interface 5, 791-799. [pdf]
- D.M. Green, V.J. del Rio Vilas, C.P.D. Birch, J. Johnson, I.Z. Kiss, N.D. McCarthy & R.R. Kao (2007) Demographic risk factors for classical and atypical scrapie in Great Britain. J. Gen. Virol. 88, 3486-3492. [pdf]
- R.R. Kao, D.M. Green, J.Johnson & I.Z. Kiss (2007) Disease Dynamics over very different timescales: foot-and-mouth disease and scrapie on the network of livestock movements in the UK. J. R. Soc. Interface, 4, 907-916, doi:10.1098/rsif.2007.1129. [pdf]
- I.Z. Kiss, D.M. Green & R.R. Kao (2006) The effect of network heterogeneity and multiple routes of transmission on final epidemic size. Math. Biosci. 203, 124 - 136, DOI:10.1016/j.mbs.2006.03.002. [pdf]
- I.Z. Kiss, D.M. Green & R.R. Kao (2006) The network of sheep movements within Great Britain: network properties and their implication for infectious disease spread. J. R. Soc. Interface 3, 669 - 677, DOI:10.1098/rsif.2006.0129. [pdf]
- I.Z. Kiss, D.M. Green & R.R. Kao (2006) Infectious disease control using contact tracing in random and scale-free networks. J. R. Soc. Interface 3, 55 - 62, DOI:10.1098/rsif.2005.0079. [pdf]
- D.M. Green, I.Z. Kiss & R.R. Kao (2006) Parasite strain coexistence in a heterogeneous host population. Oikos 115, 495 - 503. [pdf]
- D.M. Green, I.Z. Kiss & R.R. Kao (2006) Modelling the initial spread of foot-and-mouth disease through animal movements. Proc. R. Soc. B 273, 2729 - 2735, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2006.3648. [pdf]
- R.R. Kao, L. Danon, D.M. Green & I.Z. Kiss (2006) Demographic structure and pathogen dynamics on the network of livestock movements in Great Britain. Proc. R. Soc. B 273, 1999 - 2007, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2006.3505. [pdf]
- D.M. Green, I.Z. Kiss & R.R. Kao (2006) Parameterisation of individual-based models: Comparison with deterministic mean-field models. J. Theor. Biol. 239, 289 - 297, DOI:10.1016/j.jtbi.2005.07.018. [pdf]
- I.Z. Kiss, D.M. Green & R.R. Kao (2005) Disease contact tracing in random and clustered networks. Proc. R. Soc. B 272, 1407 - 1414, DOI:10.1098/rspb.2005.3092. [pdf]
Peer-reviewed research papers (reaction-diffusion and reaction-diffusion-advection models)
- J.H. Merkin & I.Z. Kiss (2005) Dispersion curves in the diffusional instability of reaction fronts. Phys. Rev. E 72, 026219. [pdf]
- A. Zadrazil, I.Z. Kiss, J. D'Hernoncourt, H. Sevcikova, J.H. Merkin & A. De Wit (2005) Effects of constant electric fields on the buoyant stability of reaction fronts. Phys. Rev. E 71, 026224. [pdf]
- I.Z. Kiss, J.H. Merkin, S.K. Scott & P.L. Simon (2004) Electric field effects on travelling waves in the Oregonator model for the Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction. Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 57, 467 - 494. [pdf]
- I.Z. Kiss, Z. Neufeld & J.H. Merkin (2004) Homogenization induced by chaotic mixing and diffusion in an oscillatory chemical reaction. Phys. Rev. E 70, 026216. [pdf]
- I.Z. Kiss, J.H. Merkin, S.K. Scott & P.L. Simon (2003) Travelling waves in the Oregonator model for the BZ reaction. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 5, 5448 - 5453. [pdf]
- C. Zhou, J. Kurths, Z. Neufeld & I.Z. Kiss (2003) Noise-sustained coherent oscillation of excitable media in a chaotic flow. Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 150601. [pdf]
- Z. Neufeld, I.Z. Kiss, C. Zhou & J. Kurths (2003) Synchronization and oscillator death in oscillatory media with stirring. Phys. Rev. Lett. 91, 084101. [pdf]
- I.Z. Kiss, J.H. Merkin & Z. Neufeld (2003) Combustion initiation and extinction in a two-dimensional chaotic flow. Physica D 183, 175 - 189. [pdf]
- I.Z. Kiss, J.H. Merkin, S.K. Scott, P.L. Simon, S. Kalliadasis & Z. Neufeld (2003) The structure of flame filaments in chaotic flows. Physica D 176, 67 - 81. [pdf]
Conference proceedings
- A. Bishop, I.Z. Kiss, T. House (2019) Consistent Approximation of Epidemic Dynamics on Degree-Heterogeneous Clustered Networks. In: Aiello L., Cherifi C., Cherifi H., Lambiotte R., Lió P., Rocha L. (eds) Complex Networks and Their Applications VII. COMPLEX NETWORKS 2018. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 812. Springer, Cham. [html] [arxiv]
- A. Messager, G. Parisis, I.Z. Kiss, R. Harper, P. Tee & L. Berthouze (2019) Functional topology inference from network events. IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management. Intelligent Management for the Next Wave of Cyber and Social Networks, Washington DC, USA, 8-12 April 2019. Published in: 2019 IFIP/IEEE Symposium on Integrated Network and Service Management (IM). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ISBN 9783903176157. [html]
- I.Z. Kiss, J.C. Miller & P.L. Simon, (2019) Fast Variables Determine the Epidemic Threshold in the Pairwise Model with an Improved Closure. In: Aiello L., Cherifi C., Cherifi H., Lambiotte R., Lió P., Rocha L. (eds) Complex Networks and Their Applications VII. COMPLEX NETWORKS 2018. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 812. Springer, Cham. [html] [arxiv]
- Overbury, P., Kiss, I. Z., & Berthouze, L. (2019). Mapping structural diversity in networks sharing a given degree distribution and global clustering: Adaptive resolution grid search evolution with Diophantine equation-based mutations. In Complex Networks and Their Applications VII: Volume 1 Proceedings The 7th International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications COMPLEX NETWORKS 2018 7 (pp. 718-730). Springer International Publishing. [html]
- A. Messager, G. Parisis, R. Harper, P. Tee, I.Z. Kiss & L. Berthouze (2018) Network Events in a Large Commercial Network: What can we learn? The Third IEEE/IFIP International Workshop on Analytics for Network and Service Management (AnNet 2018). [pdf]
- G. Röst, I.Z. Kiss & Zs. Vizi (2017) Variance of Infectious Periods and Reproduction Numbers for Network Epidemics with Non-Markovian Recovery. ECMI 2016 Proceedings Publication. [pdf]
- G. Röst, Zs. Vizi & I.Z. Kiss (2016) Impact of non-Markovian recovery on network epidemics. In: Mondaini RP (ed.) BIOMAT 2015, Singapore: World Scientific, 40-53. [pdf]
- I.Z. Kiss, M. Broom & I. Rafols (2009) Can epidemic models describe the diffusion of research topics across disciplines? In Larsen, B. and Leta, J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the International Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics, Vol. 2, pp 857-86. Rio de Janeiro. [html]