Research interests
I am a Professor of Network Science at the Network Science Institute (Northeastern University London), with my research at the interface of network sciences, dynamical systems and stochastic processes. In particular, I focus on dynamical processes on static and dynamic networks, using epidemic neuronal network models. I work on developing paradigms / theoretical models that capture complexities arising in real networks, such as heterogeneity in the characteristics, behaviour and interaction of individuals, as well as higher-order network structure. Recently, I have significantly contributed to: (a) identifying links between approximate models and their rigorous mathematical counterpart, (b) proving the exactness of certain epidemic models on tree-like networks, (c) highlighting linkages between various modern epidemic models, and (d) extending modelling to more realistic networks exhibiting clustering and motifs.
More recenlty, I have several projects on the follwoing new and emergint topics:
- Understand in a systematic and rigorous way if and how network-based mean field models can be used for inference when data is only available at system-level.
- Disentangle the role of contact network structure and dyanmics on the network in determining system-level output.
- Develop better tools for the analaysis of sequential temporal networks, in particular to better understand where and how higher-order network models break down.
- The study of utitlity networks (power and telecom), individually or coupled, with realistic dynamics such as the powerflow equations.
Research key words
- Mathematical areas and techniques: Network or Graph Theory; Stochastic Processes; Markov Chains; Simulations; Dynamical Systems; Bifurcation Theory; Delay Differential Equations; Control.
- Network-modelling specific: Exact and Approximate Models on Networks; Closures; Sub-graphs; Motifs; Adaptive/Dynamic/Time-evolving Networks, Non-Markovian Network Processes.
- Applications: Mathematical Biology; Mathematical Epidemiology; Computaional Neuroscience; Neuronal Networks; Information Transmission and Human Behaviour; Contact Tracing; Livestock Disease; Digital Marketing; Spread of Innovations.
Key words grouped by collaborators
- Prof Péter L. Simon (Institute of Mathematics, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary): Networks; Graph Theory; Stochastic Processes; Markov Chains; Dynamical Systems; Bifurcation Theory; Exact and Approximate Models on Networks; Closures; Adaptive Networks; Dynamic Networks, Control, Hyper-graphs.
- Dr Joel C. Miller (Department of Mathematics and Statistics, School of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Australia): Edge-based Models; Weighted Networks, Network-based Epidemic Models.
- Prof Gregory A. Remapala (Division of Biostatistics, College of Public Health and Mathematical Biosciences Institute, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA): Closures, Inference, Network-based Epidemic Models.
- Dr Nicos Georgiou (Department of Mathematics, School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, University of Sussex, UK): Closures, Exact Models.
- Dr Luc Berthouze (School of Engineering and Informatics, University of Sussex, UK): Computational Neuroscience; Neuronal Networks; Self-organised Critical Systems; Sub-graphs; Motifs; Higher-order Structure.
- Dr Wasiur Rahman Khuda Bukhsh (School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham, UK): Inference; Spreading Processes on Networks.
- Dr Boseung Choi (Division of Big Data Science, Korea University, Sejong 30019, Republic of Korea): Inference; Spreading Processes on Networks.
- Dr Diana Cole (School of Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Sciences, University of Kent, UK): Inference; Bayesian Analyis.
Various research projects (past and present)
Exact and approximate epidemic models on networks: theory and applications -
Model development and analysis techniques for epidemiological and neurobiological dynamics on networks Uncovering higher-order structure in clustered networks Bifurcations in system behaviour and network structure for a class of dynamic network models Modelling the spread/diffusion of research idea/innovations and information Approximate and exact models in computational neuroscience: a unifying mathematical approach The role of resource constraints and optimal allocation of limited control resources in various scenarios of disease control
Past/latent collaborators
- Dr Konstantin Blyuss (University of Sussex): Pairwsie Models; Weighted Networks; Non-Markovian Network Processes; Delay Differential Equations.
- Prof Jackie Cassell (Brighton and Sussex Medical School): Sexually Transmitted Infections; Information Transmission; Human Behaviour.
- Dr Thomas House (University of Manchester): Pairwise models; Closures; Sub-graphs; Motifs; Clustering.
- Prof Joan Saldana and Dr David Juher (Universitat de Girona): Information Transmission; Multiplex Networks.
- Dr Kieran Sharkey (The University of Liverpool): Individual-based Exact Network Models.
- Prof Mark Broom (City University, London): Game Theoretical Models on Structured Populations.
- Dr Gergely Röst (University of Szeged): Delay Differential Equations; Non-Markovian processes; PDEs.
- Prof Rowland R. Kao (Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Glasgow University)
- Dr Darren M. Green (Institute of Aquaculture, University of Sterling)
- Dr Mario Recker (College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences, University of Exeter)